I've been thinking more and more lately about when our sweet little girls get old enough to date, choose a husband and then get to live out their lives with this "chosen" man. Jeff thinks of it often too. :) It's hard not to when you have two beautiful little girls ( I know we're biased). We've heard "Dad better get his shot gun ready when they are older" quite a few times, I'm sure every dad with daughters has heard that saying. It really has us thinking though. Are we setting a good enough example of what marriage should be? Is Jeff being the kind of dad and husband that he would want for his daughters and showing them through his actions what a man and dad is? I can answer this ................
YES, yes he is.
I love this quote and I think it sums Jeff up well. My daughter's would agree.
"He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. ~Clarence Budington Kelland"

If my daughter's are lucky enough to find a man like Jeff to spend their lives with I would be elated. I feel extremely blessed to even be able to say that. I want my daughters to have the kind of marriage that I have. I want their children to have a dad like they have. Jeff has set the bar high and any man that is in our daughters lives will have big shoes to fill. I WANT it that way. The standard of how a husband should be has been set and will continue to be set as long as Jeff is alive. Thank God for that!! Is Jeff perfect?.....no he's not and I am far from perfect (further than Jeff) but is he the kind of man who treats his loved ones with respect, kindness, compassion, and makes them priority? YES HE IS. Family is important to him, to us. Marriage is important to him and to us and we hope that translates to our girls.

The importance of Jeff is something that weighs heavy on my mind today with Father's Day right around the corner. I want him to know how much he is loved, how much he is appreciated, how much he is NEEDED and how much of a influence he has on us. What he is and what he stands for is noticed everyday, we just often forget to tell him how special he is to us. We often take for granted what an amazing man he is.
1.) He is the head of our family.
2.) He knows how to fix everything including ouchies on little girls knees.
3.) He is smart enough to say "no" but sweet enough to say "yes" anyway.
4.) He puts us first and sacrifices his own wants for ours.
5.) He isn't afraid of watching Disney movies, even for the 125th time.
6.) He is our go to guy, for EVERYTHING.
7.) He lets the girls paint his toenails
8.) He cuddles with us every evening on the couch
9.) He doesn't forget to tell the girls how beautiful they are EVERY day.
10.) When he messes up, he says he's sorry.
11.) Artwork, even if he doesn't know what it is, gets a ton of applause
12.) "Daddy, watch this" isn't ignored at this house.
13.) He will do anything in the name of having fun and........
14.) He's much more fun than mom.
15.) He works hard everyday to provide well for us.
16.) He poses for pictures even when he doesn't want to.
17.) He makes his girls his priority.
18.) Being silly comes naturally to him and the girls LOVE HIM for that.
19.) He knows how to do hair.......sorta
20.) He loves us.....unconditionally......for always and forever.
Jeff, I hope I have conveyed well enough what you mean to us. You are the most important person in our lives. You have set an example of what a MAN should be so well, so perfectly that no fault or mistake or error could ever lessen what you do. You are, for lack of better words, TOTALLY AWESOME DUDE!! We love you more than you will ever know, we appreciate you.....every single thing about you. Thank you for being a great dad to our little wonders. No one could do it better.