Tuesday, July 3, 2012

This Old House: Part II

It's been awhile since I did the original This Old House post and we've done some things since then and I didn't get pictures of all the rooms last time... so I figured I would make a sequel. If you haven't seen the first one you can read and see about the rest of our house ----> HERE. I would suggest you do take a minute and read the first one because you can catch some before and after photos :) We had an appraiser out yesterday morning to see if we can do all new windows, siding, central heat and air and a new front porch. Our house DESPERATELY  needs those things so please cross your fingers, say a prayer, and send good vibes our way. We have have worked so hard on this old house and we are very ready to get the outside looking great. Now, on to the good stuff you came here for.

This is my kitchen. We painted, got a new island, put new hardware on the cabinets and changed out all the decor. I still have to put some pretty stuff on my walls but I haven't found what I'm looking for yet so they will stay empty till I do :)

Next up, my dining room. You've seen this before but not with my new harvest table in it WHOOP WHOOP..lol :) oh and last time there were paper bats all over the walls from Halloween so those are gone now too.

Sorry there is just no good way to take a picture of this bathroom, its small and not photogenic. 
This the Jeff's 1/2 bath we redid. New floor, paint, fixtures, sink and we actually recycled the toilet.

This is just a different angle of the guest bedroom from the last post. I had my camera out and thought, why not??

And by special request from Randi and Grace their toy room....

This picture is of our staircase going to the second level, it's located in the living room. I really wish I had before pics but I just don't. It had nasty brown carpet that was falling apart, 7 layers of greenish wallpaper and was ugly. The upstairs hallway was the same. I'm ordering "something" from Uppercase Living for this area on the wall. I haven't decided what that "something" is yet though.

And this is the hallway, it too had brown used carpet and 7 layers of greenish wallpaper

Last but not least, our bedroom. 

So I think I've filled in some gaps from the last This Old House post and shown you some more of our big ole' house. I'm hoping and praying that very soon I can do a part III and it will be of our exterior, our new front porch and our new heating and cooling system. Stay tuned :)

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