Thursday, March 29, 2012

Jeff's Easy Way Show

It's been awhile since I did a post about Jeff, but yesterday he did something that was blog worthy. You can read about his last feature in our family blog here.

He mows my grandma's yard for her during the summer months for some extra cash and she happens to not live very far from us, just a few blocks. Well, I guess it's a big ole pain in the rear to load up the mower and weed eater into the back of his truck so he came up with this handy contraption.

hahahaaha.. I just laugh when I see it. That is our old bicycle trailer for the kiddos, ya know the one that looks like this

Yes, indeed, Jeff transformed it into a mower/weed eater bicycle trailer. Really it's pretty smart and way easier than loading and unloading out of the back of the truck. I had a hard time keeping a straight face and he himself even said "Great, now I'm that guy" But really how smart!! He comes up with the most creative things and of course in the name of making things easier. I may just have to start a blog series for him. Jeff's Easy Way Show!! Eventually he got tired of me taking his picture and when I wasn't responding to his "Do not put this on Facebook" comments he decided to take off :) Did I mention it's super easy to take off the bike and you can push it with the lawn mower handle! lol.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Getting Caught Up

My poor poor, neglected blog. My last post was the end of February. I seem to always do this during the school year, get caught up in other things and keep pushing my blog aside. So I figured I would TRY to get back on track and do a "Get Caught Up" post.

The girls love to read....and Randi has taken a liking to reading to Grace. It is after all, a big sister duty. I find them in the funniest of places but on this day I caught them on the dining room table and on the coffee table.

Their Mimi got them baby chicks. These chicks are seriously spoiled. They act more like little puppies than little chickens. It's so adorable to watch though. They chase Grace around and will even jump up out of their little box and go and find her.

Randi had her Music Program which was sweet as ever and she made the paper too.

Right now we are on Spring Break which is AWESOME for mom's and kids alike (at least in my opinion) We have done so much! We have gone skating 3 or 4 times, gone to the Historical Museum, went to Wichita and caught a movie, The Lorax, which is a super cute movie, went skating some more, watched some movies at home, played some board games and overall just had a great week without having to worry about our busy schedule. Yup, Spring Break is where it's at!!