Friday, May 13, 2011

Randi Graduated!!

My BIG 5 year old graduated Kindergarten yesterday!!! How awesome is that! It was so much fun for her and a very proud moment for me. Randi is an amazing little person and so many milestones are to come but seeing her graduate from kindergarten was AWESOME for me! I loved every minute of it. I'll start by throwing in some cute pictures of her as a baby, toddler and preschooler. 

And here are her pictures from GRADUATION DAY!!!!
Randi in her class before the ceremony

With her buddies

Getting her Cap!

Getting her Diploma

With her BFF

Randi with her AMAZING teacher Mrs. Temanson

 So my baby graduated!! Yeah, it's only from kindergarten but it still warmed my heart. This girl will do amazing things when she gets older! Just wait and see. :)

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